Correlation Between Sonographic Portal Vein Diameter and Flow Velocity With the Clinical Scoring Systems MELD and CTP in Cirrhotic Patients: Is There a Relationship?
Background: Liver cirrhosis is defined as a chronic disease of the liver with destruction of the hepatic parenchymal cells. The aim of the current study was to investigate the correlation between sonographic portal vein diameter (PVD) as well as portal flow velocity (PFV) with the clinical scoring systems; CTP and MELD in cirrhotic patients.
Methods: In this cross sectional study, convenience sampling enrolled 108 patients, diagnosed with liver cirrhosis. Blood samples were taken and all patients subsequently underwent Doppler sonography to determine mean portal vein velocity and diameter.
Results: All 108 patients (66 males and 42 females) were enrolled in study. The mean age ( SD) was 50.9 17.6 years (range 13 - 85). The results of the present work revealed weak +ve correlation between MELD and CHILD scores (r = 0.629; P = 0.01). Moreover, the mean PVD showed a little or no +ve correlation with both MELD and CHILD scores (r = 0.216, P = 0.05) and (r = 0.241, P = 0.05) respectively. However, the mean PFV showed no statistical significant relationship with MELD score (P = 0.41).
Conclusion: Sonographic portal vein parameters cannot be a substitute for clinical grading and staging of cirrhosis; and we cannot propose it as a single acceptable diagnostic indicator in grading liver cirrhosis with accuracy.
Gastroenterol Res. 2012;5(3):112-119
Methods: In this cross sectional study, convenience sampling enrolled 108 patients, diagnosed with liver cirrhosis. Blood samples were taken and all patients subsequently underwent Doppler sonography to determine mean portal vein velocity and diameter.
Results: All 108 patients (66 males and 42 females) were enrolled in study. The mean age ( SD) was 50.9 17.6 years (range 13 - 85). The results of the present work revealed weak +ve correlation between MELD and CHILD scores (r = 0.629; P = 0.01). Moreover, the mean PVD showed a little or no +ve correlation with both MELD and CHILD scores (r = 0.216, P = 0.05) and (r = 0.241, P = 0.05) respectively. However, the mean PFV showed no statistical significant relationship with MELD score (P = 0.41).
Conclusion: Sonographic portal vein parameters cannot be a substitute for clinical grading and staging of cirrhosis; and we cannot propose it as a single acceptable diagnostic indicator in grading liver cirrhosis with accuracy.
Gastroenterol Res. 2012;5(3):112-119
Sonography; Cirrhosis; Portal vein; Portal vein diameter; Portal vein flow