
Figure 1. ERCP showing gallstones (two arrows), a long cystic duct and cystic duct stone causing Mirrizi’s syndrome (single arrow). Note the dilated common bile duct proximally (thick arrow).

Figure 2. ERCP showing the remnant cystic duct with a stone impacted in it causing Mirrizi’s syndrome (arrow).

Figure 3. A photograph showing the SpyGlass passing through the ampulla of Vater.

Figure 4. Impacted cystic duct stone viewed via the Spyglass cholangioscope.

Figure 5. Fragmented stone removed by a basket and emergining from the ampulla of Vater.

Figure 6. ERCP showing the remnant cystic duct after its clearance by the Spyglass cholangioscope (arrow).

Figure 7. ERCP showing an impacted large cystic duct stone causing Mirrizi’s syndrome.

Figure 8. ERCP showing clearance of the cystic duct via the Spyglass cholangioscope.