Figure 2. Granular cell tumor of the esophagus. A: Histologic features. Large cells with acidophilic granular cytoplasm are seen. Many hyaline globules are also seen. HE, x200 B: The cytoplasm and hyaline globules are positive with PAS stain. PAS, x200 C: The tumor cells are positive for S100 protein. Immunostaining, x200 D: The tumor cells are positive for neuron-specific enolase. Immunostaining, x200.

Figure 3. Tubular adenoma of the esophagus. A: adenomatous tubules are seen. HE, x200 B: The tumor cells are very focally positive for p53 protein. Immunostaining, x100 C: The Ki-67 labeling is 26%. Immunostaining (MIB1), x200

Figure 4. Leiomyoma of the esophagus. A: Low power view shows well-define nodule composed of acidophilic spindle cells. HE, x40 B: The tumor is composed of spindle cells considered as smooth muscle cells. HE, x200