Gastroenterology Research, ISSN 1918-2805 print, 1918-2813 online, Open Access
Article copyright, the authors; Journal compilation copyright, Gastroenterol Res and Elmer Press Inc
Journal website

Original Article

Volume 1, Number 1, December 2008, pages 20-28

Ginkgo Biloba Extract EGb 761 Alleviates Hepatic Fibrosis and Sinusoidal Microcirculation Disturbance in Patients with Chronic Hepatitis B


Figure 1.
Figure 1. Flowchart of patients included at various stages of the trial
Figure 2.
Figure 2. Light microscopic observation after EGb 761 treatment. Light microscopy observations of liver biopsy samples. (a, b), H&E staining, before treatment, swollen and vacuolated hepatocytes, spotty and patchy acidophilic bodies were seen, inflammatory cells infiltration; aggregates of red blood cells in sinusoids (a); after EGb 761 treatment, acidophilic bodies were rare, no obstructed sinusoids (b). (c, d) Masson 3 staining, collagen fibrin hyperplasia, thickened fibrous septae (arrows, c); after EGb 761 treatment, collagen fibrin decreased, fibrous septa became thinner (arrow, d). (e, f) Meticular fibrin staining, reticular fibrin hyperplasia, fibrous septae thickened (arrow, e); after EGb 761 treatment, reticular fibrin significantly decreased, fibrous septae became thinner (f). Original magnification, a-f, x100.
Figure 3.
Figure 3. Electron microscopic observation of sinusoids after EGB 761 treatment


Table 1. Baseline characteristics of the subjects at entry
No. patients3232
Age (y)44.7 ± 10.842.9 ± 11.3NS
Weight (kg)63.7 ± 11.762.2 ± 9.8NS
Hepatitis history (y)3.4 ± 1.83.3 ± 1.7NS


Table 2. Biochemistry and virology evaluation
GroupnALT (IU/L)ALB (g/L)TBIL (µmol/L)PT (s)HBV DNA (x107copies/ml)
Data are expressed as mean ± SD. Fisher’s exact test, EGb 761 versus Control. NS, not significant (P>0.05). Comparisons of blood levels of ALT, TBil, PT, ALB, and HBV DNA titres between baseline and after treatment in the same group; and comparisons inter-groups. ALT, alanine aminotransferase; TBIL, total bilirubin; ALB, albumin; PT, prothrombin. *P<0.05 VS baseline, **P<0.01 VS baseline
Week 43237.3±16.3*38.2±5.9*17.1±9.5**13.2±2.1*4.4±2.4
ControlsBaseline2883.3± 11.435.1±4.838.2±25.415.0±3.54.3±2.5
Week 42835.2±18.6*38.3±6.1*17.6±8.1*13.1±1.9*4.4±2.3


Table 3. Serum TGF- β1, PAF, ET-1
GroupnTGF-β1 (µg/L)PAF (µg/L)ET-1 (µg/L)
Comparisons of TGF-β, PAF and ET-1 in two groups before and after treatment. TGF-β1: transforming growth factor β1; PAF platelet activate factor; ET-1 endothelin-1. *P<0.05 VS baseline; ** P<0.01 VS baseline, P<0.05 VS week 4 in treated group; △△P<0.01 VS week 4 in treated group.
Week 43217.61±5.06*7.62±6.54 *47.61±15.34**
Week 42861.17±11.4511.65±8.9661.17±16.45△△


Table 4. HAI score and collagen levels
GroupnInflammation scoreFibrosis scoreCollagen (%)
Hepatic inflammation, fibrosis and collagen deposit before and after treatment in two groups. *P<0.05 VS baseline; P<0.05 VS 4 weeks in treated group. Collagen density was represented by the collagen percentage in each field, data was mean ± SD.
Week 42610.7±4.8*2.2±0.3*14.7±6.4*
Week 42114.2±6.63.1±0.521.2±9.3


Table 5. Sinusoidal microcirculation observation (per 100 sinusoids). (a-d) Before EGb 761 treatment, (a) Hepatocytes lysis, necrosis (arrow), collagen fibrin deposit; (b)mircrothrombosis in the sinusoid (arrow), collagen fibrin deposit in the Disse space; (c) sinusoidal endothelial cells fenestrae disappered, collagen fibrin deposits in the Disse space (arrow); (d) collagen fibrin deposit in sinusoids and Disse space (arrow) with clogged sinusoidal lumen. (e-f) After EGb 761 treatment, (e) Hepatocellular organelle degeneration, however cellular morphology, structure and intercellular connection were normal; (f) there was no obstructed sinusoids and Disse space, without microthrombosis and ECM deposits. Original magnification, a-f, X 28000.
nMicrothrombosisCollagenEndothelial DamageCapillarization
Ultrastructural observation of sinusoidal microcirculation in the two groups before and after treatment. Microthrombosis, collagen deposit, endothelial damage and capilliarization were examined for each sinusoid, 100 sinusoids were observed for each group before or after treatment. *P<0.05 VS baseline;** P<0.01 VS baseline; P<0.05 VS week 4 in control group.
Week 410032**△23*△41*△17*△
Week 410053345729