Gastroenterology Research, ISSN 1918-2805 print, 1918-2813 online, Open Access
Article copyright, the authors; Journal compilation copyright, Gastroenterol Res and Elmer Press Inc
Journal website

Original Article

Volume 14, Number 5, October 2021, pages 296-303

Ischemic Colitis Caused by Bowel Preparation for Colonoscopy


Figure 1.
Figure 1. Endoscopic findings of ischemic colitis after taking bowel preparation drugs. (a) Segmental edematous and fragile mucosa. (b) Longitudinal ulcerations.
Figure 2.
Figure 2. Study flow.


Table 1. Patient Characteristics
Preparation methodOverall (n = 14,924)“Normal”a (n = 13,727)“Strong”b (n = 1,197)
a“Normal”: taking magnesium citrate the night before colonoscopy. b“Strong”: taking sodium picosulfate hydrate in addition to magnesium citrate the night before colonoscopy. y.o.: years old; PEG-ELS: polyethylene glycol electrolyte solution; NaP: sodium phosphate; FIT: fecal immunochemistry test.
Age, n (%)
  40 - 49 y.o.1,700 (11.4)1,580 (11.5)120 (10.0)
  50 - 59 y.o.2,775 (18.6)2,566 (18.7)209 (17.5)
  60 - 69 y.o.4,678 (31.3)4,352 (31.7)326 (27.2)
  70 - 79 y.o.4,686 (31.4)4,269 (31.1)417 (34.8)
  ≥ 80 y.o.1,085 (7.3)960 (7.0)125 (10.4)
Old age or not, n (%)
  < 74 y.o.11,765 (78.8)10,895 (79.4)870 (72.7)
  ≥ 75 y.o.3,159 (21.2)2,832 (20.6)327 (27.3)
Sex, n (%)
  Female6,585 (44.1)5,920 (43.1)665 (55.6)
  Male8,339 (55.9)7,807 (56.9)532 (44.4)
Bowel preparation drugs in the morning of colonoscopy, n (%)
  PEG-ELS14,803 (99.2)13,629 (99.3)1,174 (98.1)
  NaP121 (0.8)98 (0.7)23 (1.9)
Indications of colonoscopy, n (%)
  Surveillance5,451 (36.5)5,014 (36.5)437 (36.5)
  FIT positive3,960 (26.5)3,641 (26.5)319 (26.6)
  Screening2,447 (16.4)2,279 (16.6)168 (14.0)
  Mild abdominal symptom1,354 (9.1)1,190 (8.7)164 (13.7)
  Detailed examination296 (2.0)279 (2.0)17 (1.4)
  Polyp removal86 (0.6)82 (0.6)4 (0.3)
  Positive tumor markers49 (0.3)46 (0.3)3 (0.3)
  Anemia25 (0.2)22 (0.2)3 (0.3)
  Unknown1,256 (8.4)1,174 (8.6)82 (6.9)


Table 2. Risk of Ischemic Colitis Using Multiple Logistic Regression Analysis
Odds ratio (95% confidence interval)P value
a“Normal”: taking magnesium citrate the night before colonoscopy. b“Strong”: taking sodium picosulfate hydrate in addition to magnesium citrate the night before colonoscopy.
“Normal”a method1 (reference)
“Strong”b method4.27 (1.45 - 12.53)0.008
Male1 (reference)
Female1.67 (0.62 - 4.53)0.31
< 75 years old1 (reference)
≥ 75 years old3.64 (1.36 - 9.77)0.01


Table 3. Ischemic Colitis Cases After Bowel Preparation for Colonoscopy
NoAgeSexIndication for colonoscopyPreparation methodStrong abdominal painSiteSeveritycOther lesions
a“Normal”: taking magnesium citrate the night before colonoscopy. b“Strong”: taking sodium picosulfate hydrate in addition to magnesium citrate the night before colonoscopy. cSeverity was determined using only the limited risk factors. M: male; F: female; FIT: fecal immunochemistry test; D: descending colon; S: sigmoid colon.
145FFIT positive“Normal”aYesDMildAdenoma
257FFIT positive“Normal”aUnknownD-SMildAdenoma
671FFIT positive“Normal”aYesDMildNo
975MFIT positive“Strong”bYesDModerateDiverticulum
1080FFIT positive“Normal”aYesD-SMildNo
1180MFIT positive“Normal”aUnknownSModerateDiverticulum
1281MMild abdominal symptom“Normal”aNoSModerateAdenoma
1382FFIT positive“Strong”bYesSMildNo
1484FFIT positive“Normal”aUnknownSModerateInflammatory polyp


Table 4. Secondary Endpoints
Preparation method“Normal”a (n = 13,727)“Strong”b (n = 1,197)
a“Normal”: taking magnesium citrate the night before colonoscopy. b“Strong”: taking sodium picosulfate hydrate in addition to magnesium citrate the night before colonoscopy.
Degree of preparation (Aronchick scale), n (%)
  Excellent6,672 (48.6)482 (40.3)
  Good1,884 (13.7)210 (17.5)
  Fair2,160 (15.7)204 (17.0)
  Poor/inadequate527 (3.8)81 (6.8)
  Unknown2,484 (18.1)220 (18.4)
Additional saline enema, n (%)
  Yes180 (1.8)55 (4.6)
  No8,749 (63.7)839 (70.1)
  Unknown4,798 (35.0)303 (25.3)